Saturday, February 25, 2012

Suzanne Dean.....Success!

We had a great day of classes with Suzanne Dean. We had a sold out class for both sessions, and everyone loved learning new techniques!
This first picture that I share is the a.m. class!Suzanne was so great giving us a background on herself before she started! It was very interesting to me at what motivated her to start her Online Classroom! I also found it interesting to learn all of her hurdles that she had along the way! What a great start to the day!

The above photo is some one on one attention that Suzanne gave t EVERY SINGLE Student! She gave great instruction on how to color, and then made sure that everyone was able to ask questions, and she was there to show, and help!

We even had a visit from the Girl Scouts! Cookies were the refresher of the afternoon!

I will leave you with a few photos from the advanced course that was offered in the afternoon! This class was a little more intense, and was more detailed with reds, blacks, and shading! I would have to say it was a super LONG day, but very productive!

Thanks Suzanne for visiting Florida! We cannot wait to have you back!



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